If you would like to submit a donation by check, please make it payable to:
Harmony South Dakota
2522 W 41st St #125
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Harmony South Dakota is a FREE after-school music program for kids in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We meet from 2:50-5:45p.m. every day that school is in session, plus 4 weeks in the summer. Each week our kids sing in choir, rehearse in orchestra, have musicianship classes (which include percussion ensembles, dance, music theory & games, as well as world music history) and receive a weekly private lesson. Instruments are provided for the students. Harmony serves children from 15 different nations around the globe--many of whom are from immigrant and refugee families who have resettled in our city.
Harmony provides a safe and enriching community in which our students are thriving. Daily, our kids work not only on singing and playing music with excellence, but also on how to treat others with respect as they strive to focus on giving more than getting. Harmony is a place where students are known, loved, and valued.
We plan to start 15-20 new students this summer and fall. It costs approximately $2,500 per student to participate in Harmony for one year--that includes 400+ hours of instruction. Please consider giving so that even more kids will have the opportunity to make music together each day at Harmony.