This program is free for the students that participate thanks to the generosity of our partners and donors.

​An important part of playing a stringed instrument is training the ear. Singing in an ensemble is a wonderful way to learn to work as a team, and to also train the ear to hear pitches and harmonies. Students will learn proper singing techniques and will sing in multiple languages throughout the year.

String Orchestra
​Students will play either the violin, viola, or cello in Harmony's String Orchestra ensembles. Monday through Thursday, students will spend time rehearsing in sectionals (smaller groups) and then come together for full orchestra rehearsals on Fridays. Instruments will be provided to students who do not already have instruments to use.

Percussion Ensemble
​Students will participate in a percussion ensemble in addition to the string orchestra. The students will learn to read rhythms and notes while playing drums, hand chimes, xylophones, glockenspiels, and other percussion instruments.
Private Instrumental Lessons
​When learning to play an instrument, it is important to ensure that hand-position, posture, and technique are started properly. Sometimes when playing in a large group, bad habits can develop. Therefore, each student will receive a 20-minute private lesson each week working with one of our talented teaching artists.

​Each week students will be introduced to influencial composers and actively listen to their musical masterpieces. Games, movement exercises, and other activities will be used to help reinforce essential musical concepts.
Homework & Snack Time
Each day's schedule includes time for students to work on their homework. Volunteer mentors will be available to assist the students. A healthy snack will also be provided.